Thank you all for a great class. Big applause once more for all of you who recited poems. Excellent.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Portfolio due & thank you
Thank you all for a great class. Big applause once more for all of you who recited poems. Excellent.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Poetry In Voice competitor Alexander Gagliano: "Chapter I", Christian Bök
For those of you in the process of memorizing poems this weekend! Some inspiration.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
100 and more Poetry Exercises
Homolinguistic translation: Take a poem
(someone else's, then your own) and translate it "English to English"
by substituting word for word, phrase for phrase, line for line, or
"free" translation as response to each phrase or sentence. Or
translate the poem into another literary style or a different diction, for
example into a slang or vernacular. Do several differnt types of homolinguistic
transation of a single source poem. Chaining: try this with a
group, sending the poem on for "translation" from person to another
until you get back to the first author.
He Do the Police in Voices: Dialect
& Idiolect: Translate or compose a poem or other work into a different
dialect or idiolect, your own or other. Dialect can include subculture lingo,
slang, text messaging shothand, etc. For example, Steve McCaffery's translation
of the Communist Manifesto in West Riding of Yorkshire dialect (at PennSound): audio, text. See also
Nathan Kageyam's translation of Pound's "The Return" into pidgin (Hawaiian
Creole English). Use the dialect engine to translate a text into one of several
"dialects," then use the results to make a poem.
Homophonic translation: Take a poem in a foreign
language that you can pronounce but not necessarily understand and translate
the sound of the poem into English (e.g., French "blanc" to blank or
"toute" to toot). Some examples: Louis and Celia Zukofsky's Catullus., David Melnick's Homer at
Eclipse: Men in Aida; Ron Silliman on homophonic translation (his own,
Melnick's, and Chris Tysh's), and some examples by Charles Bernstein -- from Basque, from Portuguese and "Johnny Cake Hollow"
suite. — Rewrite to suit?
see also:
§ bpNichol, Translating Translating
§ Robert Kelly's Celan
§ "Me Tranform O!"
§ "Nuclear Blanks"
§ Sane as Tugged Vat, Your Love
§Mallarmé, “The Four Salutes”
Cf.Six Fillious by bp nichol, Steve McCaffery, Robert
Fillious, George Brecht, Dick Higgins, Dieter Roth, which also included
translation of the poem to French and German. (More info.)
See also these
YouTube clips: Benny Lava , Marmoset,
and Moskau
Lexical translation: Take a poem in a foreign
language that you can pronounce but not necessarily understand and translate it
word for word with the help of a bilingual dictionary. (Rewrite to suit?)
"Language Is a Virus" provides a translation
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
FINAL FICTION ASSIGNMENT WAS HANDED IN. If you missed the deadline hand in Sina's mailbox: LB building, 6th floor.
Assignment for next class: write a ghazal [].
Three choices [or choose your own]:
1. Using found language
2. "In the spring men's heads
turn to _____________"
3. "In the second blue hour
We also looked at erasure poems:
Jen Bervin's can be seen here [about a third of the way down]
N+7 Poems:
Assignment for next class: write a ghazal [].
Three choices [or choose your own]:
1. Using found language
2. "In the spring men's heads
turn to _____________"
3. "In the second blue hour
We also looked at erasure poems:
Jen Bervin's can be seen here [about a third of the way down]
N+7 Poems:
- "S+7, sometimes called N+7
- Replace every noun in a text with the seventh noun after it in a dictionary. For example, "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago..." becomes "Call me islander. Some yeggs ago...". Results will vary depending upon the dictionary used."
- These originated from a writing group called Oulipo. Poetry written with conceptual constraints.
- Somebody asked about good use of rhyme. Here is an example by Michael Robbins:
- 10-15 pages. [no special binders, folders, title-pages: just your name, and a staple]
- Due: Friday June 15th
- 10-15 pages of your most refined [that is revised] work. The portfolio consists of work you have done from class that has been revised significantly.
- 5 of these pages will be photocopied from your writing journal, contributing to your overall journal mark. If you did not have your journal for initial examination today, please bring it for next class.
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