Monday, September 2, 2013

224 Creative Process

224: Creative Process
Location : H-407 T-TH 1445 - 1600
Office Hours LB: 674-2 Wednesday 1-2 or by appointment

In this class we will explore three genres of writing: drama, fiction and poetry. We’ll try to keep track of the differences between the genres—and that won’t always be easy. By the end of this class you will have a range of creative writing skills, and a vocabulary to begin to discuss and assess the work you read and write in all three genres. You’ll also have an idea of which genre you might want to explore more fully. While the class is a lecture class it will also be a workshop environment. Students will be required to read extensively and do a lot of in-class writing as well as discuss peer writing.

I believe that creative writing is best taught in the moment, in the classroom, in action. Which is why, even in a large class, I will primarily use a group workshop method with in-class reading, writing, and discussion. I will call on you to share, and to participate. Some people find this difficult, but taking risks is a key creative skill and my aim is to help you develop that. Please let me know if you find this extremely uncomfortable and we can come up with a solution.

If you come to office hours be prepared. I am available to answer specific questions about issues relating to class discussions or assignments. Please do not ask me to read work in advance of submission, or work done outside of class. Regrettably, I do not have the time. I do, however, have a lot of energy for your questions in class.

Questions are best asked in class so that the entire class can benefit from the discussion. I do not, as a rule, respond to emails wanting homework, or clarification of class discussions, but I do answer all questions in class and/or office hours. If you miss class, please look at the syllabus, or ask a fellow student what you missed. Fair warning: creative writing classes can’t be recapped either by email or in person. Assignments evolve out of class discussion and are not available to you should you miss class.

Remember, this is a creative process class. It will be creative. The syllabus is a guide, but may change during the course of the semester as the class evolves.

Because we will either have class discussions or workshop each class, attendance is especially important and will be factored into your grade. You can be sure you get full 25% of your final grade simply by being present every class. You can miss 1 class without any excuse. This should cover illness, family emergencies, etc. If you miss more than 3 classes you risk failing the course. I understand that not all classes require full attendance, This one does. If you don’t plan on attending the class regularly, this may not be the class for you.

Having said that, feel free to miss 2 classes a semester without letting me know.

Be prepared to share assignments in class. I may call upon you, or you may volunteer to read your work and allow us to discuss it. You will be required to keep these assignments. You may or may not want to expand on them and build them into the larger assignments, but I will occasionally go around the room while we are talking and check that you are working. I may also, spontaneously, ask you to hand them in. Again, if you are extremely shy, please come and see me during office hours. We can devise a plan to accommodate you.

Everyone who shows up for every class gets the full 25% attendance grade. The 25% participation grade is more difficult. How can you be sure you get full marks? Be a good listener: take notes during discussions, when reading, or listening to student work. Ask questions. Comment. Be engaged. If I don’t hear from you every class, you aren’t likely to get full participation marks. If you attend each class, but have your ear buds in and are watching a movie, you are not actually participating. Don’t think I’ll notice? Promise, I will.

Worried you don’t know what to say? You don’t have to know, that’s why you are in the class. You just have to try. The most useful critical position is to figure out what is working in a piece of writing. Try to describe that.

You will hand in three  (3-5) page assignments over the semester, one for each genre. All work handed in must be word-processed, type-written, double-spaced, size 12 font. Do not exceed the page limit for the exercise. Paginate, ensure your name is on the work, and staple or paper clip the pages together.

We will discuss in-class writing on a regular basis. As well there will be days set aside to workshop student work in each genre. Be sure to offer your work up for discussion.

You will find a coversheet at the end of this syllabus. Please keep it, enter in your writing assignments as we proceed and attach to your final portfolio. It will consist of a maximum of (15) pages of writing produced over the semester including one piece of revised, polished work along with exercises and assignments from the term. I will not accept portfolios over (15) pages, nor will I accept portfolios under (13) pages. As above, all work must be word processed, etc.

REQUIRED TEXTS  from Concordia Bookstore
(CP) 224 Course Packet
(OF) Open Field: 30 Contemporary Canadian Poets, ed. Sina Queyras, Persea 2005
Top Girls, Caryl Churchhill
Also, please check the blog that goes with this class:

Attendance                                              25%                                          
Assignments                                          25%
Participation                                          25%
Final Portfolio                                       25%